TW: pet death, dying, cancer.

This is my sweet girl, Nia, and she’s dying.

We don’t know how long we have with her. She has cancer, it’s metastasized. There’s nothing we can do but take care of her for the time we have left together. Could be 3 months, could be more.
She’s the best kitty. She doesn’t like being held or sitting on people’s laps. But when she was little she liked to chase ghosts and sit on my shoulder when I was driving in the car so she could look out the window.

I got her when I was 17. She’s been with me for half my life.
She likes to be next to you. And she always wants to smell your hand before you pet her.

She played fetch with a ball when she was little, then some jerk laughed at her and she wouldn’t bring the ball back anymore, she’d just walk it across the room and drop it and stare at you.
She is the worst hunter and has never caught anything ever. I had a mouse once and she watched it run around and that’s it. One time a bird flew in between two doors and knocked itself out and she carried it into the living room like she had participated, but she really hadn’t.
We fostered quite a few kitties together and she was very tolerant, until I had a mom and 4 kittens and the kittens started jumping on her and running around her spot on the bed. She didn’t like that at all.
She hasn’t been jumping up to her spot on the bed to lie down next to me while I fall asleep lately. I got her some stairs but she doesn’t trust them yet.

Her sister really likes them though.
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