I'll stop playing games on my phone at work when every Republican Senator whose exorbitant salary my tax dollars pay does the same. https://twitter.com/PatHartman_/status/1390660432252194819
Can you imagine feeling you need to rationalize NOT being superhumanly efficient for the sake of an employer who would and does do everything in their power to pay you ever-less than your labor is actually worth?
Even if I have a GREAT employer, which I have on occasion - great employers are aware that their employees are humans who need breaks from work. That employer would be perfectly fine with me doing whatever the fuck I want on company time as long as I'm getting my work done.
"no no no, if you don't use every single second of your time on the clock to become maximally efficient you are CHEATING your employer!"

they hired me to do a job. the job is done. the exchange of services for currency is complete, I don't have to provide a free bonus.
why in god's name would you take PRIDE in providing far more of your labor than you were paid to provide? why does that make you feel like a good and moral human being?
if you provide more than expected to a friend you get a better friendship

if you provide more than expected to an employer these days, most of the time you don't even get a raise or a pat on the head

in fact SOMETIMES you get into trouble for going outside the brief
why are you investing so much of yourself into a relationship with an entity that doesn't care about you?

and why do you think that counts as being a good person?

seriously, think about that, why are you doing that to yourself?
also just for what it's worth - this was very much a part of labor in the early days of labor, too

shitty employers wanted you to LOOK busy, good employers were like "well he takes a 2-hour walk every lunch but he makes my company $$$ so shrug"
there is certainly a situaiton where someone is fucking around so much that they aren't doing what you hired them to do

I wouldn't like it if the babysitter played on their phone while watching my kid

but if the kid is napping? fuck, what do I care?
Most labor these days is a competition between the employer and employee to see who can get away with providing less.

And a truly stunning number of employees think it's cheating for them to play their end of the game when they find themselves in it.
Some jobs are good, and they're trying to pay you fairly for your labor and you're trying to provide a fair amount of labor for your pay.

But if you find your job is trying to pay you as little as possible for as much labor as possible? FUCKING FIGHT FOR YOUR GODDAMN LIFE.
If your employer has been giving bonuses to its CEOs that could buy small countries and you've gotten a 10 cent raise? every single MINUTE that you can get paid for being there and not actually working is a righteous blow against a cruel tyrant and I applaud you for it.
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