Sorry not sorry but if you cannot have mirrors in your home because you are incapable of looking at yourself due to anxiety over your appearance-- you need mental health assistance.

Anything short of that is just the enabling of self-harm.
I have BDD (body dysmorphia) stemming from an eating disorder. Sometimes I cover my mirrors, too, especially after a meal.

Truly, I do understand people who don't feel "at home" in their bodies... but you don't put an anorexic on a diet just because they hate their size.
It is just so fucking odd to me how the medical system is complicit in the neglect of very obvious mental health issues when it comes to people who claim to be the wrong sex.

Its like all holistic logic goes out the window instantaneously and Doctor brains turn into marbles.
Anyone who is against the rigorous holistic (mental/emotional/spiritual/etc) treatment of someone presenting with extreme body discomfort prior to slapping them with a scrippy for hormones and top surgery is nothing more than a drug pusher, as far as I am concerned.

End rant.
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