When I say “the system does what it is designed to do” - I mean that all of the systems in our country (and world!) are designed to concentrate wealth into the hands of straight, white, able-bodied men.

And that is exactly what they do.

My thoughts on how to save the world. 🧵
Medicine, economics, law, finance, education...all systems interlock and grant money and power to very few.

This is what they are designed to do.

Then that group create laws and policies in their image, with only their interests in mind.
Racialized, gendered, ableist colonial capitalism is killing us all.

...and our planet.
The last part...the impending death of our planet via environmental destruction — makes lifting the global chains of oppression more than just a moral imperative.

Our species will not survive if we don’t.

To evade this end, we need every mins, every perspective, every voice heard to solve our world’s deep problems.

I fully believe the person with the perspective to change things lives in the hood.

Or a trailer park.

Or in a rural village in West Africa.

We need them.
Let’s be honest here for a second though. Humanity pulling out a victory is a long shot.


I don’t know about you, but I live forever a long shot 🙃

Let’s get into some #goodtrouble
And before you ask - LOVE is the only way out of this mess.

Learning to SEE each other, is the only way out of this mess.

Prioritizing the needs of the collective, & the needs of the most vulnerable - over the needs of a few individuals at the top - is the only way out of this.
iiii know we can do this.

But what really matters is...

That you do too :) ♥️💕✨
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