please unnormalize this.
i think too many now have gotten so used to what i have to live with that it’s just an annoying inconvenience that i keep speaking up.
the entire thing, especially how journalists make themselves out to be victims actually and just mass block, is not ok
you set yourselves up as caring about issues here, but here is a very obvious abuse (that yes journalism is largely responsible for) but you react just as defensively as abusers or other abusive institutions that you write about... mostly because you keep having to hear about it
the inconvenience you’re having from just an asshole or two in your mentions, or the person that told you “that’s not very nice” when you dropped your bomb take on this not the same thing as what survivors have to endure here because of abusive journalism
and you should remember that in each of these cases it was journalists that fired first with a shit take that sent abuse my way, and only really served to normalize some very real harm... so yes i stood up for myself. i would do it again if i have to. that’s not on me.
i’m not going to be the sacrifice everyone was willing to make
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