Parents: the reality is school boards are leaning towards hybrid learning. It's the easiest and laziest solution in the face of a government who won't fund anything properly.

As educators we will continue to fight, but we can't do it alone. We need your help.
We understand that this year has been beyond hard. Many educators are also parents. We know that you're tired. We're tired. But this government counts on our tiredness so we need to push back.

Here are some ways you can help:
Email your trustee. Find the one for your area and tell them that you oppose hybrid education. How can a teacher teach both in-person AND online? The reality is it's impossible and hybrid education is a disservice to all. Give options that support students appropriately.
Find out who the director is for your school board. Email them. Tell them that you want a safe and equitable September. That means finding solutions that are actually realistic. If it's virtual, make it fully so. If it's in-person, make it safe. Hybrid just means everyone loses.
Still feeling like emailing? Good. Hit up @Sflecce and your MPP. Tell them you want better funding for education, not this shell game they're playing. That means if they want a virtual option, then they should give boards funding to provide a virtual option.
Finally email your school's admin team. Let them know you support your local school and your educators. But you don't support hybrid. They need to try different solutions. Collaborating with other schools to create hubs is a possibility.
We're all stressed, but the work is not done. As educators we will keep fighting, but we simply can't do it by ourselves. We need to know parents are with us in this and we need to know now.

Now is the time to stand together. If we wait until September, it'll be too late.
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