Things to know about Colombia: Clinton’s Plan Colombia was a human rights and environmental disaster. The FBI listed Uribe, the right wing hero and current shadow President, as associated with Escobar in 91. Land distribution in the countryside is near feudal
Hundreds of social and environmental leaders have been murdered in the last few years. Foreign mining and extractive companies hire mercenaries to kill them. The Colombian state has a reputation for disappearing people including students during moments of major protesting
The CIA helped assassinate beloved Colombian Presidential hopeful and leftist Jorge Eliécer Gaitán Ayala in 1948 triggering massive riots. There has been a civil war almost consistently since then. Paramilitary groups have committed unimaginable atrocities for decades
The Catholic Church in Colombia has a near fascist arm and currently American right wing evangelicals are replacing their role. The propaganda campaign against civil war peace accords were largely driven by churches citing the trans and gay agenda as behind peace agreement
Alvaro Uribe is propagating the conspiracy theory of a “dispersed molecular revolution” to delegitimize the current protests. This theory was started by a Chilean Neo Nazi. And what they really mean is social movements that work in networks like Sunrise, BLM, & indigenous groups
The FARC did horrible things. They are the result of a century of state violence Paramilitarism and social caste. But their worldview and approach is not popular nor supported by public. Which is why Colombia’s far right is so afraid of protesters, feminism, and racial justice
It was military spending aided by U.S. that kept the far right in power. They need the FARC to stay armed. They need their eternal enemy to maintain their hold the nation and culture. We are seeing them scramble right now which is why they are considering Marshall Law
While Colombia has levels of upper class elitism that will blow any sensible person’s mind… the people are incredibly resilient and creative. There is a real opportunity now to win some transformation changes
The Presidential campaign of @petrogustavo and @ColombiaHumana_ is leading a historic pact uniting the left, progressives, and even liberals against the far right on a platform of green jobs public education and economic rights
But of course members of this movement and the man himself are being threatened with the prospect of assassination. We need US progressives and the international community to stay vigilant and supportive across the board to everyone resisting from the streets to the polls /end
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