On March 17 (317doy=1113=123) dropped Pascha eggs with flowers. Pascha was April 4. Holiday in Egypt means the beginning of the Spring. It was for XRP. 1/*
Previously, on January 16 (116) he dropped Pascha symbolism and Phoenix. 116 doy = April 26. April 26 is 40 days after March 17. Pascha-40 days-Phoenix. 2/*
EasterTIDE = period the risen Jesus appeared to the apostles before Ascension, which was 40 days after Pascha. Pascha was April 4, +40 = May 14 Friday, but it's Ascension or Holy Thursday. So, May 13 Phoenix ascends to Heaven/Moon. (April 4 to May 13 the Phoenix just risened) 3/*
Looks familiar? 4/*
On January 16, a part from Phoenix and Pascha candle, also were dropped these ones: 5/*
Looks familiar? By the way, they are 12 people in total, as the usual number of people in Christ Ascension paintings. 6/*
Also on January 16 we had 2 drops about Biden. Maybe something related to the US Government participating in the Sunshine Act meeting on May 13 and XRP? "Congrats Biden Harris" gives "Plumered serpent" (Phoenix) in G, also "Cryptocurrency" and one crypto I won't mention. 7/*
Looks familiar? @JoelKatz 8/*
What comes after Ascension Thursday (May 13)? Pentecost (50 days after Pascha, May 23). After Christ ascended there were 10 days of uncertainty, it wasn't a "10 days of darkness" period, but apostles were waiting for the Holy Spirit, they didn't have it yet.... 9/*
but here we should check previous traditions, for jews it meant "harvest time" (May 23, not the period May 13-May 23) and the anniversary of Moses receiving the Torah by God, the Law, so, Regulations favorable on May 23? XRP on the Moon without regulations = uncertainty. 10/*
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