Interconnected & compounding problems evade solutions. But that dominant nucleus, that hairy monster, is also the soft underbelly. Neutralising it provides pathways to solutions.
Conditions of society depend on human actions or lack of them.
Can Africans re-glorify Africa?
Recent events in East, Central & Southern Africa made UBUNTU the most popular name for a superior African heritage. Every tribe has a name for it, especially among people of Bantu origin. It is the building & maintenance of community with sharing & justice.
The UBUNTU philosophy - “I am because we are!” - transcended cultures in Africa. Societies thrived through caring & sharing (good or bad) with justice. It stipulates individual thoughts & deeds in society and how society pays back the individual.
Far beyond even bet, UBUNTU has the potential to heal & redirect Africa positively. Peace. Security. Progress. Respect. All, among others, are the gains. Can you pitch in...? It’s action time...
If UBUNTU is it for Africa, how can it again triumphantly stride the vast continent with earth-reshaping steps...? The vine climbs for sunshine. The gains are elixir, the ammonia under the nose of a dazed champion. Settings. Actors. Mindsets. All right and on the same pages.
Convenient reference for undesirable human conditions. Name-calling & innuendos that still seek to disembowel Africa. Increasingly overburdened future generations. Scattered strikes of thunder & wonder. Explosive mix. A peek at setting seeks ACTORS & ACTIONS
Leaders & the led screened today by the past & for the future. Institutions in play from maternity wards to funeral homes are actors. Everyone is an actor, but influencers graduate into leadership cadres. UBUNTU’s rise is a WIN-WIN thrust for all ACTORS.
Deep & impelling LOVE of country & continent is driving mindset, more so for leadership. It’s a mind revolution, & courted revolutionaries don’t aim to overstay the revolution. They come CLEAN, energised, & capable. Ethiopia’s PM, Abiy Ahmed, may your clones reclaim Africa!
Overwhelmed by challenges, we sometimes overlook obvious solutions. The human mind is that deep & mysterious abyss from which the good or bad in society gush. The human becomes capable & unpredictable. That’s why training tops the scales. Think astronauts. Think team sports.
Training to fully reboot UBUNTU is easier from its being a heritage that’s still staging in rural Africa. Everyday lifestyle, with UBUNTU decently on, will effectively reject most, of not all, of the human deviancies that cause Africa’s challenges. A game plan is required
National trauma & reclusion of long enough window provide opportunity. Introspection. Self-redefinition. Trajectories. Modalities. These & others occupy the window that ends with UBUNTU being the fuel & vehicles for change, driven by ACTORS. Harvests turn incentives.
This thread seeks opinions on its premise that UBUNTU can heal, redirect, differentiate, and earn respect for Africa.
Review UBUNTU, and have your say with your ACTIONS. Everyone has a stake in the matter.
STEVE BIKO: “Gift the world!”👊🏿✌🏿🖤
P/S: If you are not sufficiently knowledgeable about UBUNTU, do the following -
•Google “Ubuntu philosophy.”
•Discuss with your community elders
•Being informed is key to reform - @DrCOmole
•ACT your PARTS.
You can follow @CCAningo1.
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