I’ve been reading mixed reviews about #sisyphusthemyth, some may hate it, some love it to the point that they could not move on. Of course I belong in the latter, which is why now I’m itching to let out my own take about this drama. Here it goes, I hope I don’t bore anybody.
1. I think the key to enjoy #sisyphusthemyth is to understand the title itself. I’m a sucker of a story that derived from a real event or a story that is widely known and develop it or twist it creatively into sth new. The Da Vinchi’s code, Once Upon a Time, to mention a few.
2. To me that is #sisyphusthemyth is all about. The writer’s rendition about the myth itself. An arrogant king that cheated death and thus received punishment from the Gods (Zeus and Hades) to roll a boulder up on a hill only to find it roll downhill each time, an endless cycle.
3. At first I thought that the title only represent the time loop that happen because of #ParkShinHye’s Kang Soe Hae trip to the past that inspire #choseungwoo’s Han Tae Sul to create (or stop the creation of) time machine. But after devouring a lot of people opinion, I realise
4. #sisyphusthemyth IS the myth it self!!
5. Han Tae Sul is Sisyphus, the King of Quantum and Time who basically a selfish prick who only focus on himself. He threw his brother on the way to success, but afterward threw his bestfriend and everybody who supported his career because of his regret of losing his brother.
6. He then pursuit his brother not taking a care on Seo Hae’s plead to save himself and the world; and lastly he kept making time machine even though it would cause war since he doesn’t want to lose the love of his life.
7. Because of his selfishness, he became a lonely man underneath the arrogant facade. Which is why when a girl who came out of nowhere willingly to sacrifice her life for him, he fell in love for the first time in his life.
8. Knowing that he is capable to invent time machine, he basically cheated death several times (by the time of the drama, the loop may already have happened several times); because he knew Seo Hae would come to the past to find him, no matter what.
9. And so the Gods punish him using his own weapon. The time machine. Sigma and later on Eddie, as the representation of Hades (Zeus being the real God), orchestrated everything so that the ‘boulder’ would keep rolling down and the cycle of punishment would not break.
10. Everything that happened during the drama is as explained by Sigma was planned and of course it seemed ridiculous to us viewers because its a drama within a drama, a prank pulled by Hades so that Sisyphus got punished.
11. The goal is to make the arrogant king to fall in love. Because what is worse punishment for the lonely other than, meeting the love of your life AND knowing that you won’t have any future with her.
12. Because of his arrogance and selfishness, Han Tae Sul kept making the same mistake, creating the time machine. Because he knew, whatever happened, in any kind of life, meeting Seo Hae is the best thing in his life. So he willingly pushed the boulder (Seo Hae) anytime of day.
13. Until this point of the drama, something changed and this version of Tae Sul matured and become selfless as he now wants to save the world, the world that Seo Hae would lived in. He loved her too much to want to prevent her from living in a nightmare.
14. That’s why he decided to ended the cycle by killing himself, just like how sisyphus gave up to God and meet his death. The suicide scene inside a church is representation that men can never escape from God’s destiny. So when Signa died, Eddie came to finish the job.
15. And the last scene at the airplane is a kind of happy ending for Han Tae Sul, because now that he was selfless and stop cheating God; he got the happiness that he wants. Which is to be with Seo Hae.
16. That being said, I wish the back story of sisyphus was elaborated in the drama more than just a painting mady by Sigma. Because not many people familiar with the story and not many willing to research it.
17. And thus many thinks the show is ridiculous with a lot of plot holes. I remember someone saying that Control Bureau or should I say Controlled Bureau (by Sigma) is the stupidest organization, yet come ep 15 that explained it all. LOL
18. Some also say that #choseungwoo’s acting was not so good just because Han Tae Sul kept overreacting in some situation. But the fact that Han Tae Sul is very different than Hwang Si Mok or Gu Seung Hyo, tells me what a great actor he is.
19. Kudos to #parkshinhye for all of the action scene. Her chemistry with Han Tae Sul, Dad and Sun was top notch. But maybe she could bleed a little bit in the face, Sigma struck her face with a candelabrum but no scratch. I’m sure she’d still look pretty with fake bruise
20. Kudos to the property team, cinematography and of course the writer. A lot of the scenes were feast for the eye.
21. But if I can be a bit critical, is to the editing. The chronological order of events in the first two episodes was a bit chaos. Maybe its for the mystery but its a bit confusing. And of course the CGI during escape scene, I think they could’ve done better.
22. Ooh... I also love the Tesla and Edison reference for TaeSul and Eddie.
Aaah... finally I can let all of my thoughts out there. Maybe this would help me move on from #sisyphusthemyth. End.
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