12 Ways To Let Go of Your Past

1) Distance yourself.

Sometimes there are certain places and things, you just need to get away from.

You need to avoid them so that you can focus on having a fresh start.

Not being around those things that make you think about the past will make it easier to let it go.
2) Don’t be defined by others.

Don’t let others define who you are based on what they know about your past.

Do your best to focus on the new person you’re becoming.

Block out the noise of those who are unwilling to see that.
3) Practice regular mindfulness

A part of letting go of the past is choosing to focus more on the present.

Focus on the present because it's completely in your hands.

Try to make the most of it.
4) Forgive yourself.

One reason we can struggle with letting go of past is because of our mistakes.

We have a tendency to make the things we’ve done look worse than they actually were.

Don’t be too hard on yourself.

Forgive yourself and move ahead.
5) Remember it’s not going to change.

No matter how often you think about your past, it will never going change.

You might run that moment over and over in your head, but you’re still going to see the same ending.

It's better to utilise your time to create something.
6) Use positive affirmations.

Speaking calming and encouraging thoughts in your mind can help relieve the burden of your past.

Think of it as programming yourself to see and experience you reality in the way that you desire.
Don't know what to affirm?

Don't worry, I'm bringing some great affirmations to you in few days.

Stay tuned...
7) Find a new perspective and see the bigger picture.

Change the way you see your past.

Instead of seeing it as something terrible, see it as your opportunity to learn and become a better version of yourself.

Try to look at the big picture.
8) Do better.

You can either let your past discourage you, or you can let it motivate you to do better.

Take your past and use it to fuel your determination to do better than you’ve ever done before.
9) Let it all out.

Having emotions bottled up can sometimes hold you back from letting go of the past.

As painful as some feelings can be, letting them out may give you the release you’ve been needing.

If you want to cry, cry but don't let those emotions eat you from inside.
10) Accept it’s a part of your life.

You don’t always get to write your story exactly the way you want.

Unexpected events happen in life. They are the part of life.

Accept this and move ahead.
11) Talk with a close one.

Talking with someone like your family member, friend or teacher can really be helpful to you.

Express your emotions to them and tell them what mental state you're going through.

This will help you in overcoming the emotions you're going through.
12) Talk to a mental health professional.

If everything fails, find a mental health professional and talk with him/her to help you out.

They can potentially offer you some exercises that will help you to move forward and enjoy your life more again.

Don't neglect this point.
Thank you for reading :)

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