1 year ago, I wrote my first Twitter thread.

100 threads and 70,000+ words later, I’m just getting started.

10 favorites (on business, finance, mental models, and life):
Competitive Advantages

10 competitive advantages that don’t require talent.

(Note: This may be the subject of a future book...) https://twitter.com/sahilbloom/status/1373279793353879556
The Feynman Technique

A method for learning through teaching.

Complexity and jargon are often used to mask a lack of deep understanding.

Find beauty in simplicity. https://twitter.com/sahilbloom/status/1358108840198168576
Warren Buffett’s Wisdom

10 lessons for life from the Oracle of Omaha. https://twitter.com/sahilbloom/status/1388537630661529603
5 Powerful Mental Models

A thread of threads with 5 powerful mental models to help you think clearly and outperform in an ultra-competitive world.

1) First Principles
2) Second-Order Thinking
3) Circle of Competence
4) Occam’s Razor
5) Compounding https://twitter.com/sahilbloom/status/1350958537774690311
Breaking Down the GameStop Saga

Demystifying the underlying mechanics of the $GME saga.

Short squeezes, gamma squeezes, and much more... https://twitter.com/sahilbloom/status/1354436658129563650
The Cantillon Effect

A framework for understanding the relationship between “money printing” and wealth inequality.

The flow path of new money matters... https://twitter.com/sahilbloom/status/1309145743756865536
Morris Chang & TSMC

The inspiring story of an overlooked 52-year-old semiconductor executive who would go on to change the world.

A thread serving up business inspiration with a side of geopolitical tension... https://twitter.com/sahilbloom/status/1353369463190560773
The Fight Against Normalcy

A powerful lesson for life from Jeff Bezos’ final letter to Amazon shareholders. https://twitter.com/sahilbloom/status/1385978750743973894
Memento Mori

Remember your mortality.

A powerful philosophical tool for finding clarity and purpose in your life. https://twitter.com/sahilbloom/status/1366072879213813762
A Thread on Markets

And last but not least, the thread that started it all.

Using storytelling to explain the impact of intervention in markets. https://twitter.com/sahilbloom/status/1259141067938557952
So those were my 10 favorites from Year 1.

I’m just getting started on my journey to simplify the complex and demystify the world of business and finance.

Thank you to everyone who has joined me. Y’all are amazing!

And if you haven’t joined me, what are you waiting for?! https://twitter.com/sahilbloom/status/1284583099775324161
I have so many exciting updates and plans for the year ahead.

Follow along and stay tuned for more...

And tag a friend to share the wealth!

You can follow @SahilBloom.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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