I'll be fighting like hell to prevent it, but I'm beginning to believe the Dems will lose Congress in 2022 and the monster who failed to steal a second term in 2020, will do so in 2024—unless Dem politicians and the good people of this nation work with urgency and ferocity, now.
The incessant attacks on voting rights by Republicans, the general fatigue of millions of exhausted Americans, and Sinema and Manchin's reckless wasting of this season for the Dems are terribly concerning, as is the lack of fire from the DNC.
2022 and 2024 are all-or-nothing propositions for Democracy. If either of those good badly, all the work of so many for the past four years will have been wasted, and we will only have procrastinated away America's demise.
The good news, is that this is not a foregone conclusion—unless decent, compassionate Americans who believe in equality and justice and diversity, fall asleep now and refuse to act like every moment isn't critical. That is your invitation.
81 million of us declared the kind of nation we want. We were a hair's breadth from losing everything. We can't stop now, because that nation is not guaranteed. Please get engaged or stay engaged, and decide how much the future is worth to you.
Your voice, your resources, your time, your social media, and your circle of influence are all within your hands, and because of that—so is the America you dream of living in. Please fight for it.
You can follow @johnpavlovitz.
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