Let’s talk about migraines! I was recently diagnosed with them after 7 months of trying to figure out *what* was wrong with my jaw/face. Went from wisdom tooth to TMJ to Trigeminal Neuralgia to my mother blessedly realizing my symptoms mirrored her migraine symptoms. https://twitter.com/kazadhd/status/1390686207567351808
Turns out I have atypical migraines presenting in my jaw/temple/ear. I was finally able to see a doctor about them and got a prescription for a migraine preventative and I feel better than I have in so very long. At first I was like “Oh, it’s just migraines?”
Because I always equated them to severe headaches. They are so much more than that. I am still learning *so* much about them, but getting them under control with medication has improved my day to day life immeasurably. This thread has very good information!! (3/3)
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