I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'll even write this on a placard and hold it in feminist rallies.

● PCOS is a Biomarker for Feminism ●

Apparently 3/5 brownf0ids in urban settings suffer from it.

1/n https://twitter.com/ChadSumitMishra/status/1391008944311709701
The brownf0id bodies are in so much COMPETITIVE STRESS that they are literally producing TESTOSTERONE!

It's like mother nature telling these nehas "you wanna be a man? Fine here take some T"

A lot of f0idś also have "chocolate cysts" develop due to >200ng/dl T in body which indicates test producing tumors

They need to get it surgically removed no other way. Imagine 21-26yr old poo💩jas having tumors which pump T. Yup!!

⚠️do not Google the term ull puke
Dumb lavanyas who are gynecologists immediately give birth control pills to these pO0ojas because they don't know any better.

Do you want to know how dumb avg neha is??? They will take any hormone altering tablets without even thinking about it. Lol

PCOS also induces insulin resistance. Which makes them phat

So an avg nehas 50yr old dad has type 2 diabetes while his 20yr old daughter also has type 2 diabetes.

That's right these h0s are feminisming diabetes into themselves

⚠️All young men should know about PCOS because the chances of fertility close to 0 📉 if ur wife has PCOS. never marry such f0ids most of them are libroaches anyway ⚠️

It's like mother nature says "You wanna do anti-natalism bullshit?? Lol okay no birthing ability for you"

In conclusion if you're a pajeeta in India and identify yourself as a "feminist" you most probably have PCOS and it's a LIFE LONG DISEASE lol.

Oh I forgot.

The only cure for PCOS is to become a HOUSEWIFE hahahaha.

Your doctor will literally waste 1-2yrs with this treatment that treatment and will tell u to feminine more in a low stress level environment basically housewifing urself only way out. Lol
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