Discrimination in the Indian education context involves caste & not race. A long history of casteist discrimination exists in Indian institutions. This results in drop outs & tragic suicides. Excellent webinar by @labhopping ongoing. #CasteistIndianEd
People in positions of power are regularly guilty of enabling this mode discrimination. This is systemic and starts right at the top and goes without punishment! #CasteistIndianEd
Example is Seema Singh who even after being caught is confident that no one hold them accountable as committee’s are not empowered enough. This needs to change. There needs to be swift legal consequences for abusers! #CasteistIndianEd
Religion too is wielded as weapons of discrimination. The battle for representation remains uphill even now. Discrimination precipitates as exclusion from festivals despite them being public. All enabled by upper caste faculty.
If you think this is just an indian issue let me burst that bubble upper caste Hindu techbros in Silicon Valley have perpetuated discrimination in the US.
If you really want to be an ally the 1st thing u could do is educate yourself to identify forms of discrimination overt & covert forms. Then stand up to it. Use your privilege to attack polite discrimination behind which perpetrators hide! #CasteistIndianEd #End_Casteism_In_IIT
Believe the victims is one more important aspect. Help them report or better still stand with them when authorities gas light them. This casteist pandemic too needs a dashboard like Covid. #End_Casteism_In_IIT
Riya Singh identified purposeful lower grading, citing lower intelligence & tokenism for representation in higher ed is quite normal. Students drop out because if these reasons as well. Reports/judgements on cases are diluted and toothless! #End_Casteism_In_IIT #CasteistIndianEd
There are no Casteless spaces in indian higher Ed or any Ed! 😡Constant reporting and amplifying by allies and holding these bigots to account and making examples out of prepretators would be a good start. #CasteistIndianEd #End_Casteism_In_IIT
Here is an excellent thread of quotes by speakers in the webinar above. This is the true face of Indian academy. Know this when you interact and be aware of it and hold them accountable! #End_Casteism_In_IIT #CasteistIndianEd https://mobile.twitter.com/TheCoffeeNeuron/status/1391023446855798799
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