CB is here and so ANTIS will start crawling out of their holes! How to spot ANTI? 💜👇 #BTSARMY
They will do any or ALL of the following!
1. Target Translators with ss taken out of context/or imaginary slight to paint <Insert Name> Anti
2. Will start victimizing members!
3. Shit on the song BEFORE hearing it/shit on it AFTER hearing it!
4. They won't listen to you even if you provide proof from BTS's OWN MOUTH! They don't want the Truth! They want proof to support THEIR NARRATIVE! Everything else is useless to them! 🤓💜 #BTSARMY
5. Whine past era being superior over current era even though it exists and they can just stream them ANYTIME!
6. Attack ANYONE who tries to de-bunk their narrative! Gaslighting with "What About XYZ" instead of addressing the wrong narrative OR deleting the tweet! 🤓💜 #BTSARMY
7. Won't Apologize for lying/harassing but definitely expect YA'LL to Apologize! And if ya'll do apologize, the harassment will STILL continue!
Moral of the Story: Don't be a bystander in harassment unless ya'll want US to be a bystander when ya'll are target! 🤓💜 #BTSARMY
P.S. I read somewhere, if one out of context SS can tell the whole story, then even BTS will be their OWN ANTI! Don't like someone? Just block! Asking for accountibility is FINE! But when proven WRONG, they SHOULD Apologize and move on! If they don't, they are bully 🤬💜 #BTSARMY
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