Every single day I have to remind people surrounding me that the ANC is helplessly corrupt. It’s so weird how, despite the obvious failures of ANC governance which directly affect them DAILY, people in my village are still holding onto the 1994 vision/hope of the party. Sad.
But people want something to hold onto so they want to know then who do they trust in & it’s sad to always say even I don’t know. The DA is brazenly or helplessly racist, the EFF has no vision, the IFP is a pseudo-monarchy in democratic garb, the smaller parties are ineffective.
There is no mass movement/mobilization of any import with an evident potential to govern and with the interests of the people at heart. There is a heavy and seemingly ineffective over reliance on legalism, which while useful hadn’t always resulted in improved living conditions.
I am just tired. The people are suffering. Literally dying in some cases. And we are busy occupied with palace politics, White supremacists, faux-revolutionaries and unrepentant thieves. This country is largely a spectacle of heartbreak and sadness.
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