“CRT bad. Bell curve & every other racial theory of the majority good” - r*** realists
If you want to get sciencey about it:
Whites & E Asians = Homo sapiens + Neanderthal
Blacks = Homo sapiens
Other Asians = HS + Denisovans.
If you want to prove superiority so badly, subtract HS from each equation. Study Denisovans & Neanderthals to see what they contributed to the genome.
Or , since the majority % of DNA is still HS in all races & RRs tend to measure superiority with intelligence
& since human intelligence evolved in response to the environment, find evidence that the environments of whites were different in such a way that it caused that group of Homo sapiens to develop higher intelligence challenge.
But wait...they’ve already started doing this in research field! Wonder why....??

*Gasp!* Is affective fascism not effective anymore?? 🌸
*anthropological (and archeological) research
In other words, stop beating around the bush. Present a coherent case. And I’ll watch you justify authoritarianism & oppression & genocide with it.
I will be rting this thread rather than spending energy replying to RRs.
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