After the 2019 election the Fabians published a useful report - the gist of it: Labour stood virtually no chance of winning the next general election - the people around Starmer and the right of the party understand this, so this period is about correcting the Corbyn deviation
It won’t win elections short term, but that’s not the point - it will, in due course, make Labour an acceptable party of government, long after Starmer has moved on the Lords or a cushy job with Google - so the right’s project is on track
The left of the Labour part remain mired in all the illusions of labourism (the party is a broad church, focus on elections etc) so spend time imploring the right to see sense and build bridges to beat the Tories - interspersed with outbursts of petulant, impotent anger
Both strands remain cut off from any serious social base in the working class (whether in “the north” or “London”), because their focus is internal machinations and perennial “next election” (internal, local, general)
This is more of a problem when it comes to the left, because they are notionally committed to socialist politics - but never develop anything outside of Labour and the union bureaucracies - so invariably they become a drag and obstacle to the emergence of new movements
The net result is that your politics, in substance, can be about building socialism, or cleaving to the rotten, fetid corpse of Labour and labourism, but it cannot meaningfully be both
With the crisis we face in the coming years, we need radical socialist politics rooted in working class communities and rank and file trade union activity - this will require a decisive break with and antagonism towards labourism - anything less is a recipe for further defeat
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