Every mmbr persuaded the solo career they wanted..ming selected acting and kibum wanna do well alone before going solo,jongtae persuaded solo career..everyone is doing well on the career they chose but idk somehow its ONLY taem who is fvrd by sm..ming doing 68382 acting project +
+doesnt mean he is fvrd by sm over other mmbr..kibum doing variety shows & designing outfits doesnt mean he is fvrd by sm over taem..jjongs musical pieces getting selected over others doesnt mean he is fvrd over taem..they r just excelling on what they chose to do..then why its+
+only taems projects gets accused of being more supported and favoured by sm than the other mmbrs..kibum literally had a full album debut with solo concerts in both kr and jpn rightaway..did anyone say he was sm's fvrt..no..then why its only taem who gets sm's fvrt label for+
+getting bare minimum?
Every mmbr is working hard to achieve what they dreamt of but somehow its only taem for whom ppl make it seem like he has easy solo career cz he is sm's fvrt lol
Sorry for so many typos** lol
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