I know from my time on Twitter that this, sadly, counts as a hot take, but I think that Rami's right, and tear gassing civilians during prayer is bad, actually. Civilians should not be attacked with chemical weapons while praying. https://twitter.com/tha_rami/status/1390814492544704514
Rami's linked to some background information in this thread. This article by the UN is a good primer, but the whole thread is worth a read.


While I'm at it, artillery striking hospitals and schools is bad, too. Just, y'know, something that comes to mind.
I actively try not to be a person on this hellsite because that's a liability here. I just saw a black person get dogpiled by hundreds of white folks for days just for not liking a Harry Potter character. But sometimes it's real hard to stay technical. I'll get back to that soon.
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