Speaking of products for how I handle my ADHD, I use a visual timer and a big visual display clock that alternates its image to draw attention.

I run Trello boards for task reminders, shopping lists and to organise thoughts, and have a range of pens and post it notes at hand.
The golden rule is EXTERNALISE TIME because you cannot internally sense it passing in the way muggles can.
The next product is, strangely, a soda maker.

ADHD responds to keeping your sugars up throughout the day. Having a soda maker lets you make weaker sugary soda mixes that you can sip on.
Tupperware that can go into the freezer is my next product I am trialing. Making up portions so if I forget to prepare meals because I am hyper focused on something means I don't miss out on a home cooked meal.
Two more. An American style coffee maker that keeps the coffee warm even if I forget about it.

A slow cooker. Because taking ten minutes in the morning to make dinner is something I can manage when my brain actually is firing on all cylinders.
ADHD responds well to excercise.

*looks around*

I am told.

I used to be really fit when I was a teen. I studied Ninjutsu when I was in highschool and by college I could shit like backflip out of arm locks, do the splits and do wide press ups on my finger tips.

Now I cannot get up off the couch without groaning.
But seriously I have bad knees so impact is out, and my usual way to keep fit was swimming. Which means finding a) a local pool b) one that has policies that protect the safety of trans and intersex people c) not being in a pandemic.
So anyway, my ass now has its own zip code.

That zip code is 69.
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