We all know they’ll justify it with whatever reason is most convenient in the moment. If the next moment requires a justification that contradicts the earlier one, they’ll use it without qualm or hesitation.

Hypocrisy is virtue to fascists. https://twitter.com/wajahatali/status/1390796045685346306
For Republicans the answer to the question “did Trump abuse his power?” isn’t “yes” or “no,” but “who gives a shit?”

It’s a philosophy reducible to a belief you should never be compelled to give a shit about anything. Any reason to not give a shit is as good as any other.
For Republicans or any other kind of fascist, it's always about securing the privilege and the power to answer any question of need or responsibility, or any moral duty, with "who gives a shit?"

The virtue of hypocrisy is, you don't even have to give a shit about your beliefs.
Q: Climate catastrophe?
A: Who gives a shit?

Q: Why don't you give a shit?
A: What d'ya got?

*The science is unproven
*It's not real
*We're not causing it
*We're causing it but it's too late
*The remedies aren't realistic
*It won't affect me

Fascists believe them all at once.
This is important, because people who have an internal belief system beyond not wanting to give a shit about anything and everything want to presume that everyone else does, too. So we waste our time reasoning with them.

They don't give a shit about our time. They'll waste it.
And when we engage in persuasion with fascists, it reinforces the world they already believe in, which is a world in which, before anything can be done, it is they who must be persuaded.

It's a world in which they hold the keys of permission. They hold the license to decide.
This is time we might otherwise spend organizing and working together to create a world in which we can build a society that actually gives a shit about things, without ever again having to seek permission of people whose only credo is never giving a shit.

Fascists hate that.
Fascists like to talk about "tyranny of the majority." They mean voting.

They mean people who give a shit, creating a world that recognizes the reality that we're all connected and it matters, w/o seeking the permission of those who refuse to acknowledge it.

Which we should do.
Fascists love being debated. Public demonstrations of their beliefs that they are the ones who must be convinced delight them.

They love to watch us use reason to chase them, as they hop from one rationale to another, to another, to another, none of which they actually believe.
Fascists hate organization, mobilization, discussions that don't include them. They hate the notion that others might make a world where people who don't give a shit about others might face natural consequences for not giving a shit.

That's when they get violent. As we've seen.
You can't join with people who don't give a shit. You can't compromise, because they don't give a shit about compromise. You can't cooperate because they don't give a shit about cooperation.

You can only beat them.
They way you beat fascists is by recognizing it's finally time for us to not give a shit.

Not about what they claim to believe.
Not about their permission.
Not about their threats.

They want control. They want to be the only ones to decide.

And I don't give a shit.
Ensure voting rights.
Right-size the courts.
Defund the police.
Feed the hungry.
Water for the thirsty.
Care for the sick.
Access for the disabled.
Equality and equity for all.
Prevent climate catastrophe.

We don't need permission from people who don't care about others.
Just to be very clear: what we face right now is open white supremacist fascism. The Republican Party is actively and *openly* mobilizing to demolish democracy in this country. Their intentions are plain.

We have to mobilize, organize, plan, donate, volunteer, and beat them.
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