right -we're back now. next up is Charles Hulme to discuss early language development. going to tweet in a thread this time.
ah - always forget something! #NAPLIC21
Oral language skills critical for education and child and adult wellbeing. Charles will discuss a new mobile app - quick and reliable measure of children's early language skills #NAPLIC21
Language is the medium of instruction for all of education. Foundation for literacy skills. Numeracy also critically dependent on language skills. Language vital for psychosocial skills (emotional and social) and behavioural issues. #NAPLIC21
work to improve early language is important for helping to reduce social inequalities in education and social wellbeing. Language disorder associated with economic disadvantage. #NAPLIC21
We need a method for teachers and other staff to identify children with language needs. LanguageScreen - online app for speaking and listening ability. Automatically scored and report can be generated. #NAPLIC21
has been validated on a large number of children. instructions are read to the child for each of the tests. test for expressive vocabulary, listening comprehension, receptive vocabulary, sentence repetition #NAPLIC21
Data sent to a secure server, then a report generated. traffic light system - green, no issues, amber may benefit from support, red definitely would benefit from support #NAPLIC21
Designed to be completed by school staff, reduces or eliminates variation in task administration #NAPLIC21
has been validated with the CELF. Similar latent structure of app and SLT administered based assessment to an overall language latent trait. Correlation between the app and SLT assessments was .95. Very impressive #NAPLIC21
now moving onto the Nuffield Early Language Intervention program. 20 week scripted program delivered in two terms of reception year. first session focuses on narrative, vocabulary and listening skills. Second term focuses on letter sound knowledge, phon awareness #NAPLIC21
multiple RCTs have shown good effect sizes showing efficacy of the intervention.
latest RCT combined language screen with nuffield intervention. Lowest performing children received intervention. huge number of schools included - 193. half randomised assigned to receive intervention or a year wait. #NAPLIC21
Strong effect size of intervention effect on language at post-test. about 1/3 of a SD improvement. Stronger effect for the language screen rather than standard assessment data. #NAPLIC21
EAL children showed similar benefits from the intervention as non-EAL children. 34% of this intervention were EAL. #NAPLIC21
They also looked at behaviour pre-test and post-test. Discussing the inter-relationship between behaviour and language. they used the BESSI. taps beh regulation, Attention and socialaibility. Intervention improved teacher rating of behaviour. .25 SD improvement. #NAPLIC21
Improvement in behaviour was NOT mediated by the improvement in language. Fits in with a lot of other research and what we assume in my lab. language intervention has a knock on effect to behaviour - perhaps due to structured activity, needing to regulate behaviour #NAPLIC21
the NELI intervention as well as LanguageScreen is available for all UK schools to use. NELI nursery being developed - this is a whole class component. COVID has interrupted the RCT on this extension of NELI #NAPLIC21
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