Apparently, Labour are going to 'look again at their policies', in order to try & fix their problems 🙄... They. Just. Don't. Get. It.
It's not about policy, it's about the ridiculous, out of touch MPs inhabiting most of their benches, with their tedious 1/
Identity politics, the constant stirring of division & promotion of 'victimhood'. It says a lot when more working class people identify with Eton-educated Tories, than their traditional political home. A large part of Boris' appeal, is the very thing that 2/
Labour MPs are so sneering about. He is, at times, crass, says the wrong thing, makes mistakes.. Just like we all do.. We don't want kneeling, simpering, hand-wringing wet-wipes, terrified of causing offence, running the country. If that means Boris, blundering in like a bull 3/
In a China shop, then that's what we'll vote for.... We want optimism, not sniping from the sidelines, and we want a genuine pride in our country, not faux flag-waving, while simultaneously backing the erasing of our history.
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