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**teachers name can be censored/anonymous! https://twitter.com/telob0lo/status/1390703135979540486
btw this is not a time to shy shy guys!!! i cant emphasize on how much encourage to share, this is for all of us ❤️
posession of students nudes, child porn btw bcs she was a minor at the time.
sex jokes in class lol even i remember this one
the number of times ive heard this... poor boys :-(
how are these people educators? :/
im not gonna invalidate anything guys! dont say shes lembik or wtv. this is public shaming and shouldnt be the norm. we all know this doesnt end here, a teacher doing this ENABLES other students to make fun of the victim too.
discrediting students potentials because of their looks. ni ramai sangat sangat koyak zaman sekolah 🥲
LDP tea ☕️ not the first case of suspicious handling of money. honestly the ldp conspiracies can go on for days! ex ldps please contribute more on my cc 🧍🏻‍♂️
why is it always sex=funny (???) cikgu pun dah macam ni no wonder students pun terikut ikut thinking sexual jokes and harassment is funny
-LDP tea ☕️ seriously dude has sum major issues man 💀
-Pad checking victim by another teacher.
-Sexualization of female collegue by 'ustaz' in SURAU

**to add i myself remember a teacher sexualizing someones parent during ceramah 😭😭😭
poll : jabatan mana yang paling kuat gossip? 😂🥲
• jabatan sains sosial
• jabatan sains (& bahasa)
another complaint for same 'ustaz', sexualizing female collegue and students.
•internalized misogyny by female teacher
• sexual abuse by warden
•another victim of period checking
•'ustaz' being sus asf LOL just imagine the things these sick adults would do with these pics 🤢🤮
🌸 iklan jap 🌸

if you are having second thoughts about this whole thing 😬 (also dont send me hate plz T T)

-i'll continue posting tomorrow when i wake up <3- https://twitter.com/muazmohd94/status/1386617748000677896
selamat sahur

this is the quality of ustaz and ustazah of our school. memang ag no. 1 la haha
"memang la nampak baik apa semua"

lol ldps lets all think about how he used to kinda groom us into thinking alot shit was okay and lure us with food 💀💀
same person, shes not the only wife that gets jealous with LITERAL KIDS btw.
laki, pompuan, binatang semua dia sexualize pls 😭 how is this okay????
this teacher taught me too! ngl def had creepy vibes, made me feel uncomfortable too before. i just know my peers or seniors know stuff idk about him.
again!!! my ldps with similar experiences with this money scammer where you at 😭😭😭

benda camni takde sape pulak nak sembang berkat kan. 🕳🧑‍🦯
whole ass ADULTS finding joy in emotionally tormenting kids... sadistic much?
yeah tell me which male teacher is actually funny bcs PLZ MOST TRY TO BE FUNNY LIKE THIS & HAVE THIS TYPA HUMOUR 😀
i saw someone say this all might be a hoax BUT WHY WOULD WE LIEEE

what in the bagung???,£&:!,'s we rly just pretended we were okay with the whole thing

thanks to whoever that came up with that phrase i have to admit it is quite funny
just some rants 🥶

DO NOT invalidate!!!! don't even think about it. there are reasons/backstories to why we feel angry/embarassed.

its also sad that we girls can't really see our female teachers as our protectors / safe space, they almost have never had our backs.
sadly anon yes this is very much true, we all are aware how things work 😔

but as i mentioned this was intended more of a platform/voice for people to share, so that we can all just cry together and empathize with one another 😭😭😭 maybe even feel better and heal together.
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