@davidellesmere @bryony1963 @jackabbott90 @AlasdairRoss @IpswichLabour The decline of Labour in Ipswich is a worry for anyone who wants to see Ipswich become a prosperous inclusive town. The people responsible for this are the small factional clique that runs the Ipswich CLP.
They will try to blame others but that will not hold water. Many in the CLP talk about either being ‘one of the chosen few’ or being alienated as an outsider. They will tell you that they knock on lots of doors. Yes they do but they rarely have conversations, or listen
to the people at these doors. It is all about data.They have alienated their own councillors. Strangely not all of the elected councillors are part of clique, some are excluded. While supporting the leader of Labour group in SCC who was found to have bullied a fellow councillor
they have deselected the councillor who was bullied and alienated another councillor who supported her and anyone who indicated support.The result of this is a division that had a large majority is now a marginal. They have also lost expertise on the vital transport portfolio
Within the CLP some very able and active members have been disempowered in favour of one of their clique who has then gone on to be less active and effective.
Unfortunately many of these able people have left the Labour Party in frustration.
The clique say that you can do nothing without power.Power cannot just be taken, you have to persuade people that you will use this power effectively and responsibly.
This is a wake up call for Labour in Ipswich. If you cannot empower and have dialogue with your own members ( past, present and future) how can you expect others to trust you.
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