I literally have no words right now. yesterday, the German federal council passed a law calling for "neutrality“ of civil jobs like being a teacher. a lot of people fear that it will enable a headscarf ban. „Neutrality“ at work means the government regulates [thread:1/6] /g
how much tattoos or piercings and jewellery people in these jobs can wear. the law also states that wearing religious symbols (like a hijab, a kippah!) can be limited/refused if it interferes with the neutrality of an official. this law could be a backdoor way to keep [2/6] /srs
muslim women out of important jobs like a university professor or as government officials! adding on to this, the new law barely got any news coverage before being passed. it was first aimed at extremist tattoos like nazi symbols but the fact it includes headcoverings [3/6] /srs
is absolutely unbelievable and goes against any religious freedom in Germany. there has been a petition with about 150,000 signatures demanding this law to be overworked, but since then, the law has been passed. [4/6] /srs https://www.change.org/p/bundesweites-kopftuchverbot-stoppen
Germany prides itself of being inclusive but not letting muslim women wear a head covering without policing it. for a lot of the population, the hijab is seen as a symbol of “oppression” of muslim women rather than their own choice to wear one. [5/6] /srs
as well as governments saying they want jewish people to go in public with a kippah in pride without fearing for their lives but then not even allowing them to wear it in office! please reblog this, this absolutely unbelievable and has to be talked about! [end of thread]
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