Bhakths are back in action after a lull. They've noticed that Modi's image is taking a terrible beating. All across SM. So they are trying hard to silence Modi/Govt critics. Esp  those who establish with facts how badly Modi has messed up the Covid situation. His unthinkable..1/n
..incompetence & arrogant defiance of accountability now stands completely exposed.

The modus operandi of the bhakths is never to answer the straight questions you ask. You may even furnish several links of sites, articles, discussions on video to establish what you say...2/n
But they will ignore everything and start by  attack your intelligence.
They'll begin by using expressions like "I can't help your ignorance" or "Your schizophrenia is not my issue" etc. This is NOT a not a discussion. This is a call for a duel.
The 2nd ruse is to dump on...3/n some so-called facts. These facts may purport to be the "massive" efforts made by Govt which we so deliberately disregard. These numbers are thrown at you. If you ask where they comes from they will dump some enormous statements which you have to analyse for the next..4/n
..two days.
When you actually dig deep, you will find these numbers don't really add up. For instance they will advance an approval for 100s of oxygen plants as if they're constructed, commissioned and producing oxygen. If you dig further, you will find out of that colossal..5/n
..number advanced, only for a  handful, tenders were floated. If u dig even deeper u may find, these are all pending action from the Central Govt side.
But they would have created a dust storm from which they seem to appear to have some points.
This is all a waste of time..6/n
..Another point is they will attack your integrity. They will convert your criticism of an incompetent Modi as anti-govt. They will even use phrases like "you  people want to burn things down". From where did all that come? This is all nonsense.
In a democracy, its every..7/n
..citizens right to question the Govt. and the PM. No this is the duty of a diligent citizen to watch the Govt actions and inactions. Esplly when the watchdogs have become lap dogs.
If one wants to discuss. He/she won't insult. He won't call you schizophrenic and still...8/n
....discuss with you. These are cheap bhakths who need to be shown their right place. The dust bin!
These handles have been deployed for a specific purpose. To detail discussions which clearly conclude on Modi's failures. They are here to create a dust-storm and dissonance.. 9/9
*derail not detail
You can follow @aayeff1.
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