$SUSHI gonna spend the next weeks incentivizing LPs and apes to try out all the fun fast cheap trading on their multiple cross chain products. Meanwhile a large number of newly minted $DOGE and $SHIB millionaires will be eager to continue gambling.
The moment any of these apes try out the cheap fast $SUSHI or other amm vibes on @0xPolygon or @FantomFDN (maybe $sol but not sure anymore) I don’t see how they wouldn’t be hooked. They’re coming from cex and Robinhood world of course. And know zero about the details/background.
$UNI on the other hand is going to spend the next few weeks/months trying to explain how to use this new LP stuff to market makers (the rich guys) while traders and apes realize how expensive and weird it is and most likely get scared off (certainly for any new alts)
Dunno how it all shakes out in the end. But I’d be focused there if I were a betting man. There’s probably some cool $uni focused plays. But I doubt the v3 stuff attracting the ape traders flush with meme cash.
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