i'd agree with it only IF said characters didn't express certain moral judgements along the story + IF our protagonist wasn't committing the same crime he and the other characters were victims in the beginning of the story.

this tweet smells "don't question poor writing choices" https://twitter.com/kyoshisIands/status/1390366942855315459
and I see this kind of dishonesty/cynicism coming from people who want defend this ending at all cost...
we only wanted the characters to have in character reactions, coherent with their personalities and moral compasses. i don't want them to react like i would. if that was the case, i would never stan the warriors nor appreciate the most morally questionable characters of the story
being mass murderer or terrorists doesn't make them less human nor privates them to react properly to other people's crimes. also, humans can be hypocrites. they can kill people and get mad when the people they love are killed.
just like they can suffer from a crime and commit the same crime later (what happened in the story), but the author has to develop it well to work or at least emphasize the character in an hypocrite.
isym made a good job with eren. since the beginning we have hints and foreshadowing of him ~becoming what he swore to destroy & commiting atrocious things~, but I don't think he made a good job with the other characters.
ha created a very specific situation to obligate ALL of them them to react the *same* way to give eren a warm send off... that's it.

also, it never occurred me to question the warriors action/reaction in the entire story. It just began in the last arc, around ch.133...
anyway, i don't think expecting the characters to at least react properly to the genocide of 80% of the world's population committed by a person they thought that would never reach this point is "thinking the characters are normal everyday people."

one of the most vocal people in that thread is an EM who thinks the Rumbling should've never occured (because she claimed back then Eren would never do that). Also they believe Eren would certainly choose to run away with Mikasa if she told him another answer in ch123... 🤡
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