The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, by the dual actions of being a super-antigen and binding to a7 nAChR receptors, allows for the initiation of the IL-6 amplifier.

A breakdown in tolerance to
2) a tissue-specific antigen is not always required for localized autoimmune diseases. Instead, hyper-activation of the immune system to the target tissue may be a consequent event that is initiated by local initiators in non-immune target tissue in a manner dependent on genetic
3) and/or environmental factors.

Cross-talk between non-immune cells and immune cells through the IL-6 Amp: Is this not COVID-19?

The IL-6 Amp plays a crucial role in not only chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases but also cancer. In fact, a comparative analysis between
4) GWAS data and the targets or regulatory genes of the IL-6 Amp revealed that 202 out of 1700 screened genes show over 490 indications of association not only with autoimmune diseases but also with metabolic syndromes, neurodegenerative diseases and other chronic inflammatory
5) diseases, including RA, lupus, pancreatitis, thyroiditis/Graves’ diseases, type 1 diabetes (T1D) and type 2 diabetes (T2D), MS, cardiovascular diseases/atherosclerosis/systemic sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease/hippocampal atrophy, pulmonary disease/asthma/cystic fibrosis,
6) hepatitis, inflammatory bowel disease/colitis, stroke and nephropathy/glomerulonephritis.

All of which causes the body to DESTROY ITSELF.

The local initiation model

In 1964, Boyden pointed out the importance of local initiators such as injury or infection as triggers of
7) inflammation followed by the destruction of the target tissues.


In terms of PASC (Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19) the most important issue is that the Il-6 Amplifier (especially in the case of COVID-19 infection) CAUSES SEVERE AND ALMOST CERTAIN FATAL
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