I’m watching The Staircase on Netflix and this dude TOTALLY did it, right? Like, RIGHT? First of all, the husband always did it. Second of all, COME ON to those injuries. I’ve seen falls down stairs. No.

No spoilers obvs. But I don’t know if I can watch this. It’s insulting.
On a serious note, something that sucks about being a woman in a relationship with a man is knowing that if I ever get murdered there’s statistically a ~50% chance it was him, and having to actually think about and live with that.
K this thread is now me just live-tweeting my outrage:

1/x God bless this blood spatter forensic expert guy who is clearly so exasperated trying to explain to the defense how science works. This guy keeps it fairly 💯 in the name of science and we appreciate you, sir.
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