The "saw" that launched it all. Such a simple trap... two men in a room and they have to kill each other. What could go wrong?
I know what you're all thinking... who's THIS handsome fellow? #SAWathon
I actually really did used to hide treasure in my early traps. This bathroom had a whole bag of Lucky Charms marshmallows and a $20 Walmart gift card, but nobody ever found it.
THIS IS NOT POO. I want everyone to know that is not poo and during no part of setting up this trap did I have to touch poo.

I made Logan do that.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
OKAY YES. I KNOW THIS ONE WAS TOO HARD. YOU DON'T HAVE TO TELL ME. I said I was sorry. GOD. Amanda's test was too easy that's why I thought I had to make them harder. You guys are impossible to please.
I love when they say the name of the movie.
IN MY DEFENSE... I thought the guy was dead.
This was the HARDEST part of the trap. You gotta time it right. You have NO IDEA how many times he's ridden out in the middle of a test.
Gordon what the fuck is this clock
I had a whole trap setup just for this piece of shit he's talking about and they bagged him. So much money down the drain. Everyone would've LOVED me for that one!
Sorry my house is so messy, I wasn't expecting guests this late 😞
I wasn't even coming up here to torture that guy or anything, I was just going to the fridge to eat some string cheese.
Jeff was just a QA tester. I wasn't planning to set the trap off early, but the detectives gave me no choice. I DID pay him overtime for this though.
God I wish I got to use this arm blade more. It was so expensive to build, and it's a trick you can only use once and then everyone knows about it. Doesn't it look sick?
Dunno why it's always "gas" with you people. I use "gun" way more. Bombs too.
ngl, i almost stood up and beat adam's ass right there for saying this shit
Where is Scott Tibbs today? Asking for a friend.
This is a fucking disaster.
I actually fucked up here I wasn't trying to shock him for that long.
You know, a lot of people think the bathroom is one of my best traps and I'm glad people think that because honestly the whole thing was a clusterfuck.
There were like fifteen puzzles they never found. They never even got out of the first room??
Adam's saw breaking? The two way mirror being found? Zep bringing the fucking detective here? None of that was supposed to happen.
The blood for the cigarettes wasn't even poisoned - really glad they didn't call my bluff on that one.
Zep really was just a poor choice all around honestly, one of the biggest fuckups I've ever had involved with a project.
You'd think hey lock two guys in a room, that's easy, but they like NEVER even wanted to talk about shit, whole thing was like pulling teeth.
So yeah, that was my first movie! A lot of things went wrong, but everything worked out in the end and I learned a lot... and hopefully you did too! Thanks for watching :)
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