Hey, the name 100% comes from racist origins. And I think that maybe, coming from the UK (the master of imperialism, colonialism, and slavery based on skin color), MAYBE this would have racism rooted in it too. “It’s not used offensively” isn’t the take you think it is 1/? https://twitter.com/lucelovelace/status/1390830429444444163
I CANNOT believe you rt’ed my tweet claiming that I’m targeting harassment at people, completely missing the point, and speaking OVER a WOMAN OF COLOR AND THE PERSON ACTUALLY AFFECTED BY THE RACIST TERM. it wasn’t just Paige’s use of it, but also her response. It was telling 2/?
And so is this. You really made my tweet public to your audience to do what exactly? What was your aim here? Cause based on this thread, I really don’t think it was to educate people that one of your mods decided to lean into her whiteness which is exactly what you’re doing 3/?
I’m continuing to talk about this bc there was NO accountability made and Paige is continuing to try to build a platform and relationships with people who might want to know what exactly happened earlier this year. Y’all need to realize there are consequences 4/?
Like… use some common sense please. So many things from childhood have deeply racist origins (picnics, monkeys jumping on the bed, etc.) that doesn’t make it innocent, it makes it WHITEWASHED. “Originators of language” perhaps learn your history and the impacts it had 5/?
It’s racist. That’s it. End of story. NO DEBATE. and Paige admitted it too, saying she didn’t know the racist origin as well. IT IS RACIST AND HAS RACIST IMPLICATIONS ABOUT ASIAN PEOPLE KNOWING ENGLISH. ARE YOU PURPOSEFULLY BEING STUPID. I’m done. Goodnight /end.
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