i’m at that stage in my trans journey where i feel like i’m 2 years old because i’ve only just started living & experiencing life comfortably now “post-transition”, but i’m also having a mini mid-life crisis because of the 20+ years of my life lost that i’m grieving
it’s so wild to me that peers & pals my age are having kids and buying houses and stuff, because i’m only just experiencing being able to enjoy living in my body & i’m aching for the life experiences of youth that i lost. i’m baby in so many ways
but regrettably i am actually an adult and i have to maintain full time work to have healthcare for myself & my wife!! i can’t redo school/college/childhood or anything i lost waiting in repression & dysphoria
not seeking pity, just sharing the reality of some trans experiences. the end thought to this thread is please fight against anti-trans bills being introduced across the country. trans kids deserve to live, and to have the normal childhoods so many of us lost
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