god. fuck. did bucky even know it was sam looking for him
because sam did most of the work. sam said it himself. but bucky, he probably thought it was steve, but steve was caught up on being an avenger, he only joins sam when sam finds a good lead (eg. lagos). sam said it was mostly cold leads
and sam seemed very annoyed by bucky throughout 2016, bucky probably never thought about it. but now that theyre friends, imagine them sitting down for their occasional beer sesh and sam jokingly goes, "you know i was the one who looked for you all those years, right?"
and bucky furrows his brows, "what?"

and sam takes a gulp, pauses, and says, "yeah. steve was.. steve was captain america. he was doing all that big superhero stuff... i was chasing you around the globe. you were very hard to find, i'll give you that."
bucky takes another swig of beer and processes this. sam looked for him... and now he's on the porch of sam's house in his hometown. happy. at peace. with a family. sam's quiet, probably letting that fact sink in..

bucky just quietly says, "thank you... for finding me."
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