It’s really funny how people treat a serious issue like grooming allegations as just a weapon to use in defense of, of all things, the fucking epic meme localizer clique
I’ll admit some hypocrisy on this. I’ve had this kind of reaction too when people who have hurt people I care about or generally just been awful to others get similar accusations, especially when it comes to moral panic stuff around anime.
It’s cathartic when someone who went after a friend or started an online witch hunt accusing people of horrible things gets accused of genuinely heinous things themselves (see Dr. Pizza for the most notorious example, also SDL)
But surely there is a difference between schadenfreude at someone who hurt someone you care about having their own life be undone--
--and trying to spread sexual misconduct allegations JUST so you can defend bad translators who think their job is to rewrite authors’ work and replace characterization with dated fucking memes
This thread isn’t really about the allegations themselves and more that they’re being utilized cynically as part of a culture war. Dimitri seems to mostly get this kind of shit because he’s aligned with one side of this culture war and not the other.
(I don’t really want to discuss the allegations directly here as I don’t want to start shit with anyone, DM me if you want my thoughts)
If you want an example of people on the other side of the online getting off scot free despite similar if not worse allegations, just see memeufacturing/doggeaux
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