One reason nazis argue in ridiculously bad faith is that they get platformed when people dunk on them.

You may resist the urge to debate them, but they know if they are absurd enough you'll mock them.

Which works just as well for them.
You can be as strict as possible about not platforming them by engaging in debate.

But damned if one will not say something so utterly fucking absurd you can't help but mock it.
Mocking nazis is the second best thing you can do to them.

But, that mockery amplifies their voice. That's why you can count on them constantly saying things begging to be mocked.
If you must mock a nazi, it has to be done in a way that minimizes the intrinsic platforming you are doing.
Dunking equals engagement, and twitter rewards engagement. Their business models sees "look at this asshole" and "I support this asshole" as identical.
Dunking nazis for their absurdities has to be done in a way which least rewards them, and which is the least profitable for the vast amoral corporation broadcasting them.
It's a fine line, and everyone inevitably sees a nazi take so godawfully ignorant and ridiculous that they are helpless but to forget and amplify it.
You're doing fine, thriving, when you see a tweet that is so absurd you can feel braincells dying just by reading it.

"must. Q. T," you groan as your finger trembles
Fortunately, you don't need to be perfect. Only good enough.

Remembering just half the time to screencap and avoid their exact language in your dunk, deprives them of that exponential virality.
The epidemiology of bullshit epistemology, ridiculous takes as contagious mind viruses.

Do you wonder why the original nazis were so intent on destroying surrealism and dada?
Nazis historically *always* fiercely attack any source of absurdity they themselves don't create and distribute.
Simply creating your own weird and absurd, non-nazi stuff will make them add you to the endless list of "degenerate artists" they despise.
What is that but deliberately destroying the psychological immune system of a culture so they can infect it more readily?
You innoculate yourself from the need to amplify a nazi's ridiculous take every time you amplify a non-nazi's utterly fucked up creation.
Every weird artwork or book or vine or tiktok competes with the fucked up shit nazis say to get attention.

And they *always* try to either colonize those spaces or destroy them.
Nazis inevitably flood into the weird spaces to drown out their competitors.

Nazi punks, nazi furs, etc. They first colonize to mold it into their image, and if that fails they burn it down.
Keeping nazis out of weird places does more than even the most well-crafted, non-engagement metric rewarding dunk.
"nazi punks fuck off" works better than if the punks devote stage time to mocking those nazi punks.
Keep your weird spaces nazi-free, and you automatically do more to silence nazi voices than by dunking their incessant ridiculously absurd bullshit.
Nazis attack art as "degenerate" for a reason, and it's because *they* want to be the source of absurdity. On their terms.

They'll either infiltrate the competition or destroy it.
They'll flood into the weird spaces, fuck them up, push out the weird people, and then destroy the spaces from the inside.

This is why *every* weird space ends up with a nazi problem, from comics to ponies to furries to punks to metal to internet forums to you name it
And if they can't invade that space? If that space tells them to fuck off?

They'll find another weird space to creep into, without a jot of concern. Because the absurdity is the point.
Deplatforming *starts* by keeping them out of weird spaces, spaces where their malicious absurdity can creep into the benign absurdity.
By the time your weird space has a nazi problem, other weird spaces are almost certainly mocking them, amplifying their message, spreading into them.
Any woman can tell you how, upon tweeting about a guy being creepy, she'll get inundated with nice guys doing the *exact same thing* ironically.
Same principle. The mockery amplifies the message, irony used for deniability.

The guys who unironically post "make me a sandwich" replies find a home among all the ones ironically saying it.
And so the shitty guy problem, or the nazi problem, creeps in, under cover of absurdity and irony.

At some point you notice half the people in your group have suspicious rune tats and domestic violence charges and you're not welcome anymore.
Immediately and ruthlessly shut that shit down, and you keep those unironic shitheads from stealing your weird for their shitty ends.
Keeping nazis out of weird spaces requires recognizing how they use irony to slip in one absurdity at a time until before you know it your space is full of very sincere scumbags.
It's a hard problem, made harder by the fact they can bounce freely between any weird space without any sense of contradiction.
The solution is always, regardless, to push for spaces to be as weird as possible *and* immediately shut their shit down the moment it appears.
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