Now that the Sims series is coming to an end, a little reflection. I only wanted to do a let's play because I hate let's plays, the obnoxious commentating is so boring, especially nowadays. It's most just people saying "wow, that's crazy" and shit.
I chose the Sims because it's a sandbox, you can do what you want to an extent. I don't think I could ever make a series about a game that's on rails. The opportunity for story vs author just isn't there. There's no creativity.
And while I tend to despise "meta" storytelling (see Bioshock Infinite), the let's play format opens up the opportunity for an unreliable narrator, something I have never seen done, despite the possibilities.
It just goes to show that, even as it stagnates, the "people playing games" version of entertainment never reached its potential. Now do I think I'm some kind of revolutionary artist? No. But I would like think I tried to do something different.
And that's all I have to say about it really. I'm not an overly talented or intelligent person, but I think I have an imagination. Anyway, I'll probably delete this thread, but that's the long and short of it.
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