DID/OSDD questions thread!! by gavin of the sunflower fields system

a few things before we start:

> this thread is for DID/OSDD systems only!! please respect that :]

> QRT to answer

> some questions contain/are related to syscourse topics! feel free to skip those if u want
alright! first things first, who's answering this thread? introduce yourself!
who's the host? if you have multiple hosts, do you share the responsibilities of being the host equally or is there a 'primary' host?
have you ever changed hosts? if so, how did it happen? how do the ex-hosts feel about it?
who are your primary fronters? do your primary fronters change frequently?
how many alters do you have? has your alter count stayed relatively stable, or do you split/discover new alters a lot?
do you have an inner world? if so, what's it like? how vivid is it?
what terminology do you use to refer to your alters (alters, parts, headmates, personalities, etc.)? what terminology are you not okay with?
do you see yourselves as fully individual people, parts of one whole, both, or neither?
do you prefer to be referred to as a system or a person with DID/OSDD?
are you diagnosed? if so, was it hard to get a diagnosis? did you know before you were diagnosed, or did you find out BY being diagnosed?
do you have DID, OSDD-1a, OSDD-1b, or are you unsure? how do you feel about that way of categorizing things?
what does a switch feel like for you? is it more like jumping into your body as a new person, or more like gaining different characteristics and traits but still feeling like the same person? or maybe somewhere in between?
how long have you known that you have DID/OSDD? did you know something was going on before you gained the right words to describe it? what else did you think it was before you realized?
do you have any introjects? if so, how close are they to their source? do they still identify strongly with it?
how do you feel about the term persecutor? is it something you would apply to any of your alters? do your alters self-identify with it? is there any problems with the term?
do you have any child alters? what age do you consider to be the cutoff for labelling an alter as a little/child alter?
are any of your alters dating each other? how does their relationship differ from other types of in-system relationships?
are there any familial relationships in the system? do you personally have family in-system?
what do you consider to be the best part of DID/OSDD? and what about the worst part?
how do you feel about endogenic plurals? what about tulpas (intentionally created alters)? has this opinion changed over time, or has it always been the same?
what's your recovery plan? are you aiming for healthy multiplicity or final fusion?
give a shoutout to one of your alters here (or all of them, if that suits your fancy)! let them know that you appreciate them!
thank you so much for answering!! i look forward to seeing everyone's thoughts on things

and finally, some self promo- hi! we're the sunflower fields system! we're a prof dx'd DID system with 70+ alters! read our carrd and follow us if you liked this thread :]
You can follow @sunflowersys_.
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