❄️The thing is, that good sex hinges on mutuality and empathy and affection, and the idea of a man sharing those things with a woman is anathema to the most toxic strains of straight man culture..
So they've pretty much ensured that the sex they'll have will be unpleasant and fraught, but made having sex (and dominating women) into a status symbol.
Honestly, sensual or intimate pleasure is seen as feminine in full generality in this culture. Fully allowing yourself to enjoy food, or the outdoors, or company, or sex, or games, or anything, is seen as ~kinda gay~
Men don't ~enjoy~, men ~master~ and ~crush~ and ~dominate~

Men are ~hard~ and ~unemotional~ and ~brutal~ and ~quietly miserable~
I mean, that's my perspective as a trans girl anyway.
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