This is a good thread and also I will add your migraines might look very different from others’! It took me getting a “classic” one with the visuals auras and everything to understand that what I had from time to time were in fact migraines, not just headaches
Mine aren’t too bad, luckily. My head hurts, but not to the point where I can’t function. I get more sensitive to light and sound, but I don’t have to just go in a dark room and try not to move like many do. I don’t typically get nauseous.

What I slow.
I don’t think well when I’m having a migraine. My whole brain is fogged out. Making decisions becomes really hard. I’ll make silly mistakes I normally wouldn’t. Thinking through complex tasks? Not happening.
I get tired and overwhelmed easily and really, just want to lie around staring at the ceiling thinking my slow thoughts. I also get clumsy. I’ll drop stuff, trip, bump into door frames. I’m not sure if that’s my reflexes slowing or my depth perception being off or both
Anyway once I realized those were migraines I started realizing they tended to happen when the weather was changing (usually for rain) and plan accordingly. Interestingly I don’t think I’ve had one since starting ADHD meds?
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