Sexual art, porn etc is an irrepressibly valuable part of the human cultural ecosystem and those artists do more and more important work than any of the spineless tech executives who dutifully throw it under the bus the second their evangelical corporate overlords agitate for it
it's just not sane to force artists to gouge out a massive, bloody chunk of the human experience and then treat the end products of that ritual as meaningfully representative of our world. it may be art, but it's not free expression, and straight-up porn isn't the only victim
you leave this empty chasm in the spectrum of art that can exist. on one side of the chasm, you have Acceptable Art, like movies, games and TV shows, that may have risque themes but are forbidden by taboo from ever depicting sexuality in a way that is raw and true --
-- and on the other side, you have porn, cordoned off as Unacceptable Art, and with a massive financial disincentive to try to be anything *but* porn -- not to say porn isn't valuable in itself, but there's so many unexplorable possibilities just off to the side in the Art Chasm
i want the art that's in there. i want that raw shit. it's basically the *only* thing i want. bits exist, here and there -- almost all of it is queer art, really precious crystals of expression created by people who never had the option NOT to be disillusioned with All This
but every day, the avenues where that kind of content can exist and be monetized shrink and shrink, and the rules get even more odious and more capriciously enforced. it fucking sucks. that's all i have to say i guess
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