Just to be crystal clear. I'm one guy beating a drum. There is an entire generation of transpeople at risk in a way they have never been before. Kids who may decide that this is all too much, kids that don't want to put their parents through this for supporting them.
Kids that hide themselves and who they are for decades because it isn't safe for them. Kids that just give up and commit suicide. Kids that grow up depressed and stay that way or use drugs/alcohol to escape.

I'm not going to stop. If anyone thinks nasty subtweeting will
make me stop, nope. If anyone thinks nasty DMs will make me stop, nope. I really don't care if it annoys you. You can feel free to unfollow me and magically it will disappear from your TL. It would be more honest, anyway.
If anyone thinks this is about me, yeah, I can see why you would think that if all you're doing is looking at the messaging without actually absorbing that your voices are needed. Your emails, tweets, posts, blogs, retweets and actions are what is needed. Fin.
You can follow @NashCapo.
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