✨ Nancy Drew CW Watch ✨
This is for @ellarosereads and @bishopslance
I’m already intrigued. Like the beginning has already made me excited.
I’m not sure how I feel about her already hooking up with someone though lol
Okay I don’t love George but I hope she’ll grow on me.
So I know everyone likes Ace so I’m already curious ahaha
Ooh spooky vibes. Love it.
She’s going to get framed for murder isn’t she.
Oh of course Ace is the only person who’s not being charged.
I always attempt to solve cases in mystery shows and usually I don’t figure it out lol
Oof she has a neglectful dad. I’m not surprised
Bess is so cute please
Wait Bess and George aren’t cousins in this?
Wait I literally like everyone so far except George.
Nancy breaking and entering isn’t going to help you not become a suspect
Bruh was the dad having an affair?
Why is in every show the teens apply to schools that have like an 8% acceptance rate?
I can already tell that they’re going to break Nancy and Nick up in like the first season
It’s so funny to watch this knowing all the characters from the original books.
Oh shoot. Did Nick murder Tiffany Hudson?
Wait is Bess not rich? And George is sleeping with an older man? Bruh this show is already crazy.
There’s not actual ghosts in this are there?
Okay I just watched episode 1 and I’m already hooked!
So I finished episode two and um I have even more questions but I loved it.
- George had blood in her bucket?
- Nancy's dad is so hiding something
- And Tiffany called him before she died, what??
I'm on episode three and there's so many jump scares in this show wow. I literally keep getting freaked out and jumping.
Tiffany’s sister interrupting the funeral. Wow what a badass.
The women in this show tho. Like they all are so pretty.
I officially love Ace. He’s so cute and oblivious.
I keep forgetting they’re all 18 because the amount of older men (like 30 year olds lol) that are into the girls is kinda scaring me but they’re 18 so....
Why do I suddenly feel bad for Ryan?
This show is terrifying.
Nick and Nancy are going to break up aren’t they?
Oof I didn’t even really ship them but I’m sad.
And is Ace okay? Help I’m so confused.
How am I already on episode 12? Like I keep forgetting to update this thread.
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