A reminder that Elsevier made
$6 BILLION selling your academic journals and articles behind paywalls, and made more profit than Amazon, Google and Apple every year for YEARS...

And paid the academics who wrote the articles $0
And paid the reviewers of the articles $0
They are literally convincing you to give your work over for free for a made up concept ‘REF’ or ‘reputation’ so they can sell it for billions of dollars a year.

You’re being ROBBED.
The entire thing is an elaborate scam that you are trapped in for kudos and reputation.

It’s exploitation. It’s theft.
It’s elitism. They take your work, hide it behind a paywall, whilst you worked for free, your reviewers worked for free and now you all have to pay TO READ THE WORK YOU JUST CREATED FOR THEM
Oh and one more thing - that is just the profit of ONE publication company.

Imagine how much the entire industry is worth, selling your research. Hundreds of billions.

Now, imagine they actually used fucking 1% of it to fund research. Or pay you. Or pay reviewers.

But no.
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