After today's comic, Gibby's family actually acts like a proper family. Feels like the first time we *actually* saw a proper family like that in Apex.

Then I did the math and it is absolutely depressing. Pretty much all legends have either lost family or can't get to them.
- Bangalore: family's stuck in Gridiron.
- Bloodhound: orphaned
- Caustic: faked his death
- Crypto: on the run
- Fuse: unknown, but he lost Maggie.
- Horizon: lost to time
- Lifeline: parents are jerks
- Loba: orphaned
- Mirage: lost his brothers, sick mother (+)
- Octane: absentee dad, several stepmoms
- Pathfinder: everyone's dead
- Rampart: unknown
- Revenant: lol (mentions an abusive dad, though)
- Valkyrie: we know how that goes
- Wattson: orphaned
- Wraith: uh....Voidwalker, I guess?
But now that I think of it, that makes sense, right?? Because Apex is about this cast of misfits who just finds a family in the rest of the Legends.

It's a shame most of them had to lose theirs first, though.
Time-stamped source for the voice line about Rev's dad:
"I once had a father who talked to me like that. Once."
I went with Bangalore being stuck in the Outlands because there's no short way to say "her brother is probably dead, but she doesn't believe it and it has scarred her for life. Oh, and her OTHER brother is also dead, and she never got to say goodbye to him."
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