Don't let them tell you, it is about your diary management. If you are arriving home at 9lm, it is not because you have mismanaged your diary, but because the geographically area takes that long to drive: unless they provide a helicopter, there is nothing that can be done
Don't let them tell you, you are spending too much time with children, if they need you, your gut will tell you and so t ever let them tell you, that this is not your role. Take them let, let children speak freely away from any caregiver. If you don't.. why are you viditing?
If you have too much on...tell your manager.. if they don't listen... escalate.. until you are heard
And for all sws who are just starting: you are entering a pressure.pot. If you know too much is being asked of you; escalate, escalate and then escalate. Don't ever be in a situation that you are not equipped to assess and don't be afraid to raise this at the earliest opportunity
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